Cement is our trade!
Cemminerals produces a wide range of quality, standardised cements meeting all construction development and customer needs whether they relate to concrete mixing or prefabication plants, screeding applications or wholesale.
What is cement?
Cement is a universal construction material that is used in housing development and non-residential construction as well as in road and other infrastructure works. Almost all construction works begin and end with cement, starting with concrete foundations and going all the way to the finishing.
Cement is a hydraulic binder: a chemical reaction of a finely ground inorganic material with water results in an artificial mineral called cement stone.
The finer the cement powder, the faster the chemical reaction (hydration) takes place. Hydration is an exothermic reaction which is to say produces heat. Solidification can take place both under and above water, the reaction product maintains its strength and stability after solidifying.
Traditionally, there are the cement types according to the harmonized standard EN 197-1, designated CEM I to CEM V. The cement types differ from each other in their composition. In the context of global warming, research has shown that it is possible to produce other types of cement with a smaller carbon footprint. Thus, other variants of CEM II have become possible and a new type of CEM VI cement has even been created."
Below is a summary of the different types of cement
portland cement contains no more than 5% of other materials.
Different types of Portland cement mixes with other authorized components
furnace/portland cement mixtures divided into three classes: A,B and C in which CEM III/A contains the least (40%) and CEM III/C contains the most (90%) blast furnace slag.
Type of pozzolan cement, with mixtures of Portland cement and pozzolans
composite cements with mixtures of portland cement, blast furnace slag and pozzolans.
Different types of Portland cement mixes with other authorized components containing less clinker than CEM II
The strength development of a cement is not only determined by its composition but also by its particle size and is divided into classes (32,5 - 42,5 - 52,5). This strength determination is made through a compression test after 28 days. Within each strength class, a distinction is made between ‘Normal’ (N) and ‘Fast’ (F) based on how quickly it develops its strength.
The strength listing of cement only has a limited impact on the desired strength of concretes or mortars. For instance because a lower water to cement ratio may be used than the reference mortar used to establish the cement‘s strength classification. Also the composition of the construction aggregate has an effect on the ultimate strength of the concrete. The maximum strength of a concrete or mortar can therefore not simply be equalled to the strength class of the cement.